dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2014

Projects for the l'Ahuir beach

There are a total of 11 projects for the beach:
1. l'Ahuir Marsh: The hope is to transfer the building development to the so-called "private equipment" sector, thereby freeing the l'Ahuir zone from buildings. They hope to extend longitudinally the roads and parks from the exisiting beach to the area of l'Ahuir.

2. Argue: Buildings integrated into extensive natural spaces.
Unifying modernity and nature.  In the image the proposal for a low-rise residential development  between trees and large swimming pools with sculpted shapes. The proposed new buildings articulate with the pre-existing ones and with the tracts of natural space. Ahuir dunificat: The image proposes large longitudinal pathways, orginating from the roads of the beach parallel to the sea, crossing the area of action from North to South.  Pathways given height, above the roofs of the proposed buildings, in this way offering new perspectives towards the sea and the marsh.

4. Encounter with l'Ahuir: The buildings are concentrated along the Eastern, (the Nazaret-Oliva road) Southern, (the urban zone of the beach) and Northern (Xeraco beach) borders where the lowest density housing is situated.   The central space, free of buildings, has a golf course with a large lake. The proposal includes the extension of the wooden promenade between Gandia and Xeraco, with curious forms that meander between the sand dunes.   Nests of l'Ahuir: Proposes the erection of concrete structures covered by wood where, in the form of nests filled with birds (as shown in the image) the future buildings would be developed.  These superstructures barely touch the territory and are autonomous and independent of it

6. Rebirth of l'Ahuir: The proposal is for a large central space with lateral organic walkways.  The low-density housing discourses between spaces prepared for playing golf and green park areas with lakes and other aquatic structures. Ahuir sargantana:  The proposal is structures around the principal roads.  The idea is for a central road with curves running parallel to the sea, intersected by other perpendicular roads having the same, sinuous route.   Natural parks parallel to the sea and in contact with the urban area of Gandia beach would be respected and the project proposes a use of the land that combines open spaces with equipment. Labhuir: A proposal that  renounces the buildable area. With a schematic diagram, the project illustrates a proposal for the distribution of different uses in function of the pre-existences , concentrating the building in these.

9. Marjal fractal. An interwoven construction in the form of blocks aligned as though they were the sides of a triangle, through the base of which runs the main road, on which the accesses and parking for the proposed building is concentrated.  The rest of the sector is organised in a fractal mesh of pathways that combine greenery and water.

Symphony of flora, water and fauna: The project is structured around three zones; toward the South, (Gandia beach) the proposal is for an area of entertainment and culture, to the North, (next to Xeraco beach) another area with hotels where relaxation and health dominate and in the central zone an area with low-density housing.  All of this is integrated with a road network, parks and water features, forming a variety of different scenery and environments.

Between marshes and dunes: This proposal concentrates the building in the central zone of the project, precisely between the marshes and the sand dunes. The building layout takes the form of plots of land and the forms of the buildings adapt, with different aspects and changing widths according to the demands of the plot and the roads. Towards the East is an area where the greatest presence of water is found, and to the West the original state of the land is maintained.

The Radio Gandia web's has opened online voting to say which project like the most. now it seems that 4 and 10 are most like, there have been many votes, more than two hundred thousand, the signal of interest issue. 

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